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"Midnight Crusade"
Strange Combat Tales 4
Strange Combat Tales
Title: "Midnight Crusade"
Volume: 1
Number: 4
Cover price: $2.50
Cover date: January, 1994
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Epic Comics
Chief: Tom DeFalco
Writers: Rob Stofega; Aubrey Singer
Pencilers: Dave Matthews
Inkers: Allen Nunis; Fred Fredericks; Dan Adkins
Cover artists: Dave Matthews
Colorists: Ovi Hondru
Letterers: John Costanza
Editors: Rob Tokar
Previous: Strange Combat Tales #3

"Midnight Crusade" is the title to the fourth issue of the war era comic book limited series Strange Combat Tales, which was published by Marvel Comics under their Epic imprint. The story was written by Rob Stofega & Aubrey Singer with artwork by Dave Matthews. It was inked by the team of Allen Nunis, Fred Fredericks, and Dan Adkins. It was colored by Ovi Hondru and lettered by John Costanza. The story was edited by Rob Tokar. This issue shipped with a January, 1994 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.50 per copy (US).


Featured characters

  • Adriana Leone
  • Pete Lupo

Supporting characters

  • Henry
  • John
  • Robert
  • Charles


  • Doctor Menzies
  • Janus
  • Oliver Cromwell

Minor characters


Races & Creatures



Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the final issue of the series.

Recommended Reading[]

External Links[]
