Stovington Preparatory School | |
Aliases: | Stovington Academy Stovington Prep |
Category: | Learning center |
Continent: | North America |
Country: | United States of America |
State: | Vermont |
City: | Stovington |
Residents: | Jack Torrance George Hatfield |
1st appearance: | The Shining |
Stovington Preparatory School is a fictional learning center featured in The Shining franchise. It was referenced at length in the 1977 horror novel The Shining by author Stephen King. It appeared in the story via flashback sequences. The exterior of the school briefly appeared as a backdrop shot in a flashback scene from the 1997 television miniseries Stephen King's The Shining.
Stovington Preparatory School was located in Stovington, Vermont. Jack Torrance once worked there as a teacher. Jack had two major personality flaws that affected his life: a short temper, and his ongoing battle with alcoholism.
Jack had to cut one of his students, George Hatfield, from the school's debate team. Hatfield took it personally, and avenged this effrontery by slashing the tires on Jack's car. Torrance caught him in the act and physically assaulted Hatfield in front of the other students. This incident led to his dismissal from Stovington.
Characters associated with Stovington Prep[]
- George Hatfield - Student
- Jack Torrance - Teacher
- Harry Effinger - School board member
- Miss Strong - Teacher
- Mister Aaronson - Teacher
- Mister Bruckner - School department head
- Mister Crommert - Headmaster
- Vic Stenger - Teacher
- Zack Tunney - Teacher
- No reference to Stovington Preparatory School is made in the 1980 The Shining feature film by Stanley Kubrick. In fact, the only reference to the town of Stovington is a green t-shirt that Jack Torrance is wearing in the scene where Wendy brings him breakfast in bed.
- In Stephen King's The Shining, Jack Torrance had his own reserved parking spot at the school, which made it easy for George Hatfield to identify which vehicle was his.