Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a running list of characters who are known only by their last name.

Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein[]

Doctor Stevens

Doctor Stevens, also known as Professor Stevens, is a fictional scientist and a supporting character in the Universal Monsters film series. Played by actor Charles Bradstreet, he appeared in the 1948 horror/comedy, Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.

Doctor Stevens was the assistant of Doctor Sandra Mornay and Doctor Lejos and worked out of Lejos' laboratory in La Mirada, Florida. When Lejos revealed himself to be the vampire Dracula, Doctor Stevens helped Larry Talbot and Chick Young rescue their friend Wilbur Grey.

Aliens vs. Predator[]

Stevens - AVP 001

Stevens, first name unknown, was a member of the United States Army holding the rank of Colonel. Coordinating with the Other Worldly Life Forms Program, he learned about the Xenomorph outbreak that had occurred in the town of Crested Butte in Gunnison County, Colorado. Contact with the town was established by Sheriff Eddie Morales, who pleaded with the Colonel for evacuation assistance. Stevens told Morales to recon at Gilliam Circle, and that he would send a chopper to pick up as many people as he could. Morales and those close to him felt that it was a strange tactic to engage upon, as Gilliam Circle was in the center of town, which would place them closer to the danger, not further removed. In truth, Colonel Stevens had no intention of evacuating Crested Butte. He launched a low-yield nuclear weapon that eradicated the entire town, wiping out not only the alien infestation, but also the entire citizenry as well. Only four people managed to get out in time ahead of the explosion. Colonel Stevens recovered a piece of technology from another alien species reported in the area, a Yautja. The tech he found was a hand-held firearm known as a plasma pistol. Colonel Stevens delivered the item to Miss Yutani of the Yutani Corporation. [1]

DC Universe[]

Suicide Squad[]

Stevens - SS4

Stevens was the chauffeur for William Heller, aka William Hell. He picked Heller up after he got done busting up a group of punks who had robbed a convenience store. (Suicide Squad 4)



Stevens was a member of the United States Army. Along with another soldier named Brewer, he went on a scouting mission to Simmonsville, Nevada under the orders of Major Vale. Simmonsville was a town composed entirely of psychoplasm, which is the ethereal substance of Hell. The town, named for former soldier Al Simmons, was a collage of aspects from Simmons' memories.

Stevens compared the idyllic setting to Disneyworld, noting how everything seemed artificial and out of place. As Stevens and Brewer surveyed the area, aspects of several demons from Hell rose up and slaughtered them.
