Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Steve's General Store
Steve's General Store
Category: Business
Country: United States
State: Alaska
City: Barrow
Locale: North Slope Borough
Residents: Little girl vampire
1st appearance: 30 Days of Night #1

Steve's General Store is a fictional business and a setting featured in the 30 Days of Night multimedia franchise. It first appeared in 30 Days of Night #1 in August, 2002. It was also a key setting in the 2007 30 Days of Night feature film by Columbia Pictures and Dark Horse Entertainment. Presumably owned by a man named Steve, the store was a key setting for one of the more memorable moments in the movie.


Steve's General Store was a business located in the town of Barrow, Alaska. In November of 2007, the town entered it's yearly month-long sunless winter in which they were completely cut off from civilization. A pack of vampires led by a man named Marlow Roderick came to Barrow and went on a feeding frenzy. A group of survivors held out in an abandoned house for eighteen days. When a blizzard swept over the town, they made their way to Steve's General Store to stock up on supplies.

To their horror, they found a little girl vampire feeding on the headless remains of a man named Tom Melanson. The girl turned and attacked the group, charging into Sheriff Eben Oleson. Oleson tried swinging at her with an axe, but was unable to connect. A man named Carter Davies sprayed the vampire in the face with mace, but this only stunned her momentarily. She lunged at him, but Eben and the others managed to pull her off of him, pinning the little girl to the wall. Eben's younger brother Jake Oleson, picked up Eben's discarded axe and chopped the vampire girl's head off. [1]

When the snowstorm let up, the group left the store.

Points of Interest[]

  • Aisle 5: Fully stocked with Oreos.©




Characters from Steve's General Store[]


See also[]

