Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"So your back's up against the wall and there's no tomorrow. Just take one day at a time to remember, the bigger they are, etc."
Jack O'Neill
Series Stargate SG-1
Season 1, Episode 4
Air date August 8th, 1997
Writers Katharyn Powers
Director Jeff Woolnough
Producers Michael Greenburg; Jeff King; Ron French; Jonathan Glassner; Brad Wright
Starring Richard Dean Anderson; Michael Shanks; Amanda Tapping; Christopher Judge; Don S. Davis
Episode guide
"The Enemy Within"
"The Broca Divide"

"Emancipation" is the fourth episode of season one of the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1, which is based on the 1994 feature film, Stargate. The episode was directed by Jeff Woolnough and written by Katharyn Powers. In this episode, the SG-1 team travel to a planet ruled by the Shavadai, who bear a strong resemblance to the Mongols of Earth. Women are a repressed gender in Shavadai society and Captain Samantha Carter is captured and forced to enter into a reluctant bargaining deal between two opposing chieftains. Carter proves that she is not a woman to be trifled with as she engages in physical combat with the chieftain, Turghan.


Principal Cast[]

Actor Role
Richard Dean Anderson Colonel Jack O'Neill
Michael Shanks Doctor Daniel Jackson
Amanda Tapping Captain Samantha Carter
Christopher Judge Teal'c
Don S. Davis General George Hammond [1]

Guest Stars[]

Actor Role
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa Turghan
Jorge Vargas Abu
Soon-Tek Oh Moughal
Crystal Lo Nya
Marilyn Chin Clanswoman

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the first episode of the series that does not directly involve the Goa'uld.



  • Jack O'Neill: Looks like I'm gonna to have to cancel that Oprah interview.
  • Teal'c: What is an Oprah?


  • Samantha Carter: What a relief! I've never been so happy to see you guys.
  • Jack O'Neill: Oh sure you have! Remember that time on P3X-595? You drank that stuff that made you take off...
  • Samantha Carter: We won't get into that right now!


  • Samantha Carter: Daniel, find me an anthropologist that dresses like this and I will eat this headdress.



  • Jack O'Neillk: The hell with culture - a member of my team has been neutralized. That's a hostile act.
  • Daniel Jackson: How is it that you always manage to come up with the worst case scenario?
  • Jack O'Neill: I practice.

See also[]

Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis

Stargate Universe

External Links[]

Episode links

Series links


  1. The actor is credited, but otherwise does not appear in this episode.