Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
This page is similar in name or subject to other pages.

See also Starfire for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Starfire 1
Title: Starfire
Publisher: DC Comics
Type: Ongoing series
Years published: 1976-1977
Total issues: 8
Featuring: Starfire
Creators: David Michelinie; Steve Englehart; Mike Vosburg; Vince Colletta; Jack C. Harris

Starfire is an American comic book series of the science fiction and high adventures genres published by DC Comics from April of 1976 until November of 1977, spanning a total of only eight issues. The series took place in a reality separate from that of the mainstream DC Universe. The title character, Starfire, is not to be confused with Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran who shares the same name.


  • Starfire 1
  • Starfire 2
  • Starfire 3
  • Starfire 4
  • Starfire 5
  • Starfire 6
  • Starfire 7
  • Starfire 8

Annuals & Specials

  • None


Notes & Trivia

  • This series billed itself as an epic of "Swords and Science".
  • The events from this series do not necessarily take place within the Earth-One DC Comics continuity, but there is nothing within the series that excludes it from Earth-One continuity either.

Recommended Reading

See also

External Links
