Star Wars was created by writer, director and executive producer George Lucas. It first captured the imaginations of movie goers in May, 1977 with its inaugural installment, which has since come to be identified by its full title, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The movie led to two sequels, a prequel trilogy, a third trilogy, several spin-off films, and numerous television programs, animated projects, novels, comic books, and video games, as well as developing into a merchandising giant.
This issue is UPC barcode number 761568972894 00311.
The title to "Three Against the Galaxy" is a play on "Six Against the Galaxy", which was the title to issue #2 of the original Star Wars comic book series by Marvel Comics.
The character of Drebble from "Lady Luck" is originally from the Marvel ComicsStar Wars series. He first appeared in the "Return to Stenos" story from Star Wars #71. His first name, Barpotomous, is revealed in this issue.
The "Idiot's Array" is a rare and special winning hand in the card game Sabacc. It is the strongest hand in the game and even beats a full Sabaac. Lando Calrissian has an Idiot's Array when he beats Barpotomous Drebble. The Idiot's Array is also featured in the "Idiot's Array" episode of Star Wars: Rebels where Lando beats Garazeb Orrelios. The Idiot's Array is also referenced by a child on the streets of Corellia in the beginning of Solo: A Star Wars Story.