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Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
Publication Information
Title Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
Publisher West End Games
Type Supplement
Designers West End Games
Publication date November 1st, 1994
Cover price TBA
ISBN ISBN 0874314038
Page Count
System 10D

Star Wars Adventure Journal, Volume 4 is the fourth volume of the Star Wars Adventure Journal series. It is a magazine supplement to the original Star Wars roleplaying game module. It was published by West End Games and first released on November 1st, 1994. It contained four short stories, and several articles.


Notes & Trivia[]

  • Material included in this supplement is no longer considered canon as per the official continuity established for the Star Wars universe following the buyout of Lucasfilm from Walt Disney Productions in 2011. However, some elements have been re-imagined for the canon continuity.

See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

External Links[]
