This page contains a list of people, places and things featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. Character names are categorized by first name, last name. |
Ubrikkian Industries[]
Ubrikkian Industries is a manufacturing company and a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards. It owns several subsidiaries itself including, Ubrikkian Private Shipwrights, Ubrikkian Repulsorlift Manufacturing, Ubrikkian Steamworks and Ubrikkian Transports. It specializing in small to mid-size vehicles that use repulsorlift technology such as landspeeders, ATVs, troop transports, desert skiffs and sail barges.
One of the more notable examples of Ubrikkian Industries' product line is the Khetanna, which is a modified luxury sail barge formerly owned by the villainous gangster Jabba the Hutt until it's destruction at the Pit of Carkoon in 3 ABY.
Ubrikkian Industries also designed the Bantha-II cargo skiff, which was an open-deck 9.2 meter repulsorcraft transport capable of a maximum speed of 250 kilometers per hour. Two of these were likewise present at the Skirmish at Carkoon and were escorts to the Khetanna.
Ugloste was a member of the Ugnaught race and was the head of the maintenance crew that worked at the Tibanna gas facilities in Cloud City on the planet Bespin during the Galactic Civil War.
URoRRuR'R'R was the clan leader of a group of Tusken Raiders who traveled throughout the Jundland Wastes on the planet Tatooine. In 0 BBY, URoRRuR'R'R and his fellow Raiders were traveling by Bantha when they came upon a young farm boy named Luke Skywalker and his droid companions C-3PO and R2-D2. Luke most Tuskens, URoRRuR'R'R was known to attack humans without provocation and did so against Skywalker, beating him repeatedly with his Gaderffii stick until Luke was unconscious. Once Luke was out of the way, Star Wars/U and his clan mates began rooting through Luke's landspeeder, scavenging for any materials that they deemed valuable. Retired Jedi knight Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessed the attack and frightened the Sandpeople away by mimicking the cry of a fearsome Krayt dragon.