Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Real Life"
Series Star Trek: Voyager
Season 3, Episode 22
VOY 3x22 001
Air date April 23rd, 1997
Writers Jeri Taylor; Harry "Doc" Kloor
Starring Kate Mulgrew; Robert Beltran; Roxann Biggs-Dawson; Jennifer Lien; Robert Duncan McNeill; Ethan Phillips; Robert Picardo; Tim Russ; Garrett Wang
Episode guide
"Before and After"
"Distant Origin"

Star Trek: Voyager: Real Life is an episode of a television series. This page is a stub. If you are reading this message, then that means you have come to a page about a TV episode that is in need of additional work. There are certain key elements that are lacking from this article and thus preventing it from achieving an acceptable level of quality. This may include a screenshot image, missing and/or incorrect actor or production crew members, missing cast lists, external links, notes and references, and so on. Once these elements have been satisfied, then this template may be removed from the page.


Principal Cast[]

Actor Role
Kate Mulgrew Captain Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran Commander Chakotay
Roxann Biggs-Dawson Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
Jennifer Lien Kes
Robert Duncan McNeill Lieutenant Tom Paris
Ethan Phillips Neelix
Robert Picardo The Doctor
Tim Russ Lieutenant Tuvok
Garrett Wang Ensign Harry Kim

Guest Stars[]

Actor Role

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Stardate:
  • Production code number:
  • In 1994, producer Harry Kloor became the only American to earn simultaneous P.h.D.s for physics and chemistry. [1]


What else have they done?[]


See also[]


The World of Star Trek

Star Trek miscellaneous

External Links[]


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TOS 1x1 001
"All hands, Red Alert!"

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