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Series Star Trek: The Next Generation
Season 6, Episode 7
TNG 6x07 002
Air date October 31st, 1992
Story Ward Botsford; Diana Dru Botsford; Michael Piller
Teleplay Allison Hock
Director Adam Nimoy
Producers Ronald D. Moore; Merri D. Howard; Peter Lauritson; David Livingston; Frank Abatemarco; Jeri Taylor; Michael Piller; Wendy Neuss;
Starring Patrick Stewart; Jonathan Frakes; LeVar Burton; Michael Dorn; Gates McFadden; Marina Sirtis; Brent Spiner
Episode guide
"True Q"
"A Fistful of Datas"

"Rascals" is the seventh episode of season six of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the 132nd episode of the series overall. It was directed by Adam Nimoy with a teleplay written by Allison Hock based on a story treatment written by Ward Botsford, Diana Dru Botsford, and Michael Piller. It first aired in syndication on October 31st, 1992.



Actor Role
Patrick Stewart Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
Jonathan Frakes Cmdr. William Riker
LeVar Burton Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge
Michael Dorn Lieutenant Worf
Gates McFadden Dr. Beverly Crusher
Marina Sirtis Counselor Deanna Troi
Brent Spiner Lt. Cmdr. Data

Guest Stars[]

Actor Role
Colm Meaney Miles O'Brien
Rosalind Chao Keiko O'Brien
Michelle Forbes Ro Laren
David Tristan Birkin Young Jean-Luc
Megan Parlen Young Ro Laren
Caroline Junko King Young Keiko O'Brien
Isis J. Jones Young Guinan
Mike Gomez DaiMon Lurin
Tracey Walter Berlik
Michael Snyder Morta
Brian Bonsall Alex Rozhenko
Whoopi Goldberg Guinan


Actor Role
Morgan Nagler Kid #1
Hana Hatae Molly
Majel Barrett Computer voice

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The events of this episode take place on Stardate 46235.7.
  • Actress Whoopi Goldberg is given a "Special Guest Star" credit in this episode, "As Guinan".
  • Co-producer Wendy Neuss is credited during the end-credit sequence of this episode.
  • This is the second time that actress Isis J. Jones has played a young version of a Whoopi Goldberg character. She also played young Deloris in the 1992 comedy film Sister Act.
  • Guinan reveals that her father is over seven-hundred years old.


  • There are no allusions available for this episode at this time. Be the first to add some! Just click on the edit tab under the section heading and start typing. An allusion is an incidental reference made to a character, person, event or other miscellaneous piece of media that can be found somewhere in the episode itself. In most cases, this refers to characters or events from previous episodes.


  • Guinan: You are on the most beautiful planet in the quadrant, and you spent your entire shore leave in a cave?
  • Jean-Luc Picard: It was a very rewarding experience.


  • William T. Riker: So, one more time. The remastat kiloquad capacity is a function: square-root the intermix ratio times the sum of the plasma injector quotion.


  • Deanna Troi: I came to see how you're doing.
  • Young Picard: Well, I'll have to speak to my tailor, but otherwise I'm well. Thank you. (looking in the mirror) It's just so ridiculous. I can't take myself seriously like this


  • Young Keiko: Miles Edward O'Brien, I am still your wife.
  • Miles O'Brien: Technically, yes.
  • Young Keiko: Technically?
  • Miles O'Brien: No, I-I mean, of course you're my wife. But you're also ten-years-old.
  • Young Keiko: Beverly said it's actually closer to twelve.
  • Miles O'Brien: That's not the point.
  • Young Keiko: So what is the point? Is our marriage over?
  • Miles O'Brien: I didn't say that. But until they find a way to reverse this effect, it's hard to ignore the fact that you're a little girl.

See also[]


The World of Star Trek

Star Trek miscellaneous

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This article relates to an episode from season 6 of Star Trek: The Next Generation.