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Ash vs Evil Dead 3x01 007
Stanley Gibson
Continuity: Evil Dead
Series: Ash vs Evil Dead
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Elk Grove, Michigan
Status: Deceased
Died: 2018
First: "Family"
Actor: Jeffrey Thomas

Stanley Gibson is a fictional character featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. He is associated with the Ash vs Evil Dead television series on Starz. He was played by actor Jeffrey Thomas and appeared in the season three premiere, "Family".


Stanley Gibson was an elderly man who worked as an auctioneer in Kenward County, Michigan. In 2018, a young woman named Amy had recovered the evil grimoire known as the Necronomicon. She brought it to Stanley Gibson's auction house whereupon he began reading passages from it aloud. This awakened the Evil Dead to once again wreak havoc in the area. A Dark One known as Ruby Knowby was attracted by the chaos that Gibson had unwittingly unleashed and came to the auction house where she killed him.

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