Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Up from Nowhere"
Series Spider-Man
Season 3, Episode 7
File:Spider-Man 67 3x07 005.jpg
Air date May 3rd, 1970
Writers Ira Turek; Lin Carter; Fred Halliday
Director Ralph Bakshi; Cosmo Anzilotti
Producers Ralph Bakshi
Starring Paul Soles; Peg Dixon; Paul Kligman
Episode guide
"The Devious Dr. Dumpty"

"Up from Nowhere" is the seventh episode of the animated superhero television series Spider-Man and is the fifty-second episode of the series overall. It was directed by Ralph Bakshi with Cosmo Anzilotti serving as assistant director. The story was written by Ira Turke, Lin Carter and Fred Halliday. In this episode, Spidey must contend with master criminal Doctor Humperdinck Dumpty who uses his guile and a network of a thugs to steal riches during a busy parade.
