Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Spectral Sightings
Aliases: None
Continuity: Insidious film series
Type: Business
Status: Unknown
Leaders: Steven Fisher
Tucker Croft
Members: Elise Rainier
Steven Fisher
Tucker Croft
Allies: Imogen Rainier
Melissa Rainier
Lorraine Lambert
Enemies: Bride in Black
Keyface demon
Long-haired fiend
Lipstick-Face demon
1st appearance: Insidious

Spectral Sightings is a fictional business featured in the Insidious film series. It appeared in the 2018 feature film Insidious: The Last Key.


Spectral Sightings was a paranormal investigation business founded in California by Steven "Specs" Fisher and Tucker Croft. They ingratiated themselves to an elderly psychic woman named Elise Rainier, who became the de facto leader of the group, even though it was Specs and Tucker who provided all of the equipment and transportation. Despite having ownership of the business, Specs and Tucker regarded themselves as sidekicks. Tucker would introduce themselves to others by pointing to Elise first and saying "She's psychic. We're sidekick". As Spectral Sightings, they investigated hauntings that took place at Elise's childhood home in Five Keys, New Mexico. Whether Spectral Sightings continued to operate following the death of Elise Rainier in 2010 is unknown.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Specs and Tucker purchased a black transport van for their business, which was emblazoned with their company logo on the side. Tucker referred to it as the "Winnebaghost".

See also[]

External Links[]

  • None

