Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Spear gun
Spear gun
Type: Weapon
Continuity: Real-world item
Aliases: Spear-gun
Harpoon gun
Availability: Common item
Manufacturer: Various
Model: Various

A spear gun is a weapon and tool used by fisherman for capturing and killing large marine life like sharks and whales.

The fictional mass murderer known as Jason Voorhees has been known to take up a spear gun on occasion and use it to murder his victims. In the early 1980s, Jason used a spear gun and shot a young woman named Vera Sanchez through the eye at Camp Crystal Lake.

Nearly a decade later, an undead Jason Voorhees boarded a boat owned by the parents of a high school student named Jim Miller. He found a spear gun and fired a spear at Jim's girlfriend, Suzi Donaldson, but missed. He then used the empty chamber-shaft of the weapon as a stabbing instrument and disemboweled Jim Miller with. He then chased Suzi Donaldson topside and stabbed her through the stomach with it as well.


Characters who use spear guns[]

Name Source
Jason Voorhees Friday the 13th

Characters who have been killed with spear guns[]

Name Source
Jim Miller Friday the 13th
Suzi Donaldson Friday the 13th
Vera Sanchez Friday the 13th




See also[]
