Spaceballs: The Animated Series is a US/Canadian cartoon series that aired from 2008-2009. It was produced by Mel Brooks and based on his 1987 sci-fi/comedy film Spaceballs. Like the movie from which it was based, Spaceballs: The Animated Series lampooned many popular science fiction and fantasy franchises, in particular, Star Wars, Star Trek and even Lord of the Rings. The animated series adapted the plotline from the original film, reusing much of the same dialogue, but also chronicled the further adventures of its principal characters Lone Starr, Barf, Princess Vespa and Dot Matrix and their constant battles against the corrupt President Skroob and the evil Dark Helmet.
Mel Brooks, Daphne Zuniga and Joan Rivers all reprised their respective roles from the original film. Brooks provided the voice for President Skroob and Yogurt, while Zuniga played Princess Vespa and Joan Rivers provided the voice for the robot Dot Matrix.