Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Space portal
Type: Technology
Aliases: Stargate
Availability: Uncommon item

A space portal is an aperture in the spacetime continuum that enables immediate point-to-point transportation without having to traverse the entire route of a path. Wormholes can often be stabilized and used as a type of natural space portal. Artificial constructs may be developed, which can also serve a similar function. The most well known of such devices is the Stargate portal from the Stargate multimedia franchise. In Marvel Comics continuity, the Shi'ar have artificial space portals that allows point-to-point travel of various spacecrafts. The Starjammers make use of these star gates with regularity. The mutant known as Gateway could summon a natural space portal by swinging his bullroarer about in a circular motion. This was how the X-Men were able to hopscotch across the globe from their hidden based in the Australian Outback with relative ease.



