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Space Station One
Space Station One
Vital statistics
Name Space Station One
Aliases None
Category Space station
Galaxy Milky Way Galaxy
Stellar System Sol system
Locale Earth/Lunar orbit
Points of interest
First Appearance 2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)

Space Station One was a fictional orbital space port featured in the "Space Odyssey" mythos created by Arthur C. Clarke. It was first presented in the 1968 novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was published to coincide with the Stanley Kubrick film of the same name.


Space Station One was a joint-venture between several Earth-based super-powers including the United States, Russia, France, Germany and China. It was located midway between the Earth and the moon. It was a slowly revolving spherical structure, three-hundred yards in diameter. A centralized docking web rotated in opposition to that of the main body of the station, and allowed for various shuttles and larger spacecraft such as the Titov-V and Orion III spaceplanes to couple with long, mechanical arms that extended outward from the center ring. The opposing rotation of the axis in contrast to the rest of the station allowed for more efficient manueverability for incoming vessels. [1]

The station revolved once per every minute producing sufficient centrifugal force to create an artificial gravity of approximate magnitude to that of the moon. Occupants and workers on the station benefitted greatly from any experience they might have had working in zero-g environments. The gravitic forces were greater the closer one was to the central axis.

Space Station One included a lounge, equipped with various facilities such as a restaurant, a post office, a drug store, movie theater and souvenir shop.

In the year 2000, Doctor Heywood R. Floyd took an Orion III spaceplane to Space Station One as a stopover for his final destination at the Clavius Crater on the moon.

Points of Interest[]

  • Central transit chamber
  • Passenger lounge


Other versions[]

Space Family Robinson[]

The 1962-1967 comic book series Space Family Robinson featured a setting named Space Station One. It was a spacius moving craft with hydroponic gardens, observatory, and two small shuttlecrafts called spacemobiles. It was the home of the Robinson family, which consisted of father Craig, scientist mother June, early teens Tim (son) and Tam (daughter), along with pets Clancy (a dog) and Yakker (a parrot).

External Links[]

