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Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane
Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane
Category: Medical center
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: New York
Locale: Long Island
1st appearance: Avengers, Vol. 1 #195

The Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane is a fictional mental health facility featured in Avengers comic books published by Marvel Comics. It first appeared in issue #195 of the first Avengers ongoing comic series.

Description & History[]

The Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane was a mental health facility and detention area located in Long Island, New York. The hospital was actually a front for the criminal activities of the supervillain known as the Taskmaster. He used the facility as a training ground for up-and-coming henchmen whom he would then farm-out to various super-powered criminals.

The administrator of the hospital was a man named Doctor Pernell Solomon. Solomon had little influence when it came to the Taskmaster's goals, but used the hospital as a means to serve his own private agenda. Solomon was old and cursed with a weak heart and a rare blood type. He used the laboratory equipment at the hospital to create a clone of himself, which he named Selbe. He had Selbe prematurely aged to adulthood so that his heart would be developed enough for transplant. When Selbe realized what Solomon had intended towards him, he escaped and ran to seek help from the Avengers. Solomon sent his orderlies to Avengers Mansion to collect him and bring him back.

Superhero Janet van Dyne, aka the Wasp, suspected that something untoward was taking place at the hospital. She went to investigate it alone, but was captured and taken inside one of the building's many laboratories. When her teammates discovered she was missing, they tracked her down and found her a prisoner of Doctor Solomon. Teaming up for the first time, Yellowjacket and Scott Lang-Antman infiltrated the facility and learned the truth about Solomon's plans. They also encountered the Taskmaster for the first time. (Avengers 195)


  • Taskmaster - Owner/operator
  • Pernell Solomon - Administrator
  • Atilla - Henchman
  • Bruce - Henchman
  • Maurice - Henchman
  • Rasputin - Henchman
  • Several unnamed administrators

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

