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See also Captain America Skrull for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Aliases: Captain America
Sensational HYDRA
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Type: Antagonist
Gender: Male
Race: Skrull
Location: Earth, Washington, D.C. and New York City
Status: Alive
First: Captain America, Vol 3. #3

Sn'Tlo is a fictional extraterrestrial and a recurring antagonist featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and was introduced in issue #3 of the third Captain America ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics. He was the main antagonist featured in the "Power and Glory" storyline, which ran through issues 5 through 7.




  • Shape-shifting: A Skrull's innate primary ability is the power to completely alter its form down to a molecular level. This includes alteration's of body size, skin texture, pigmentation, etc. This ability is primarily cosmetic in nature, as it does not allow a Skrull to imitate the physical properties of what it duplicates. For example, a Skrull may be able to shift into the form of a solid steel cube, but it does not develop the durability of a block of steel. However, a Skrull's physiology does allow for other physical permutations to bestow it additional abilities.
  • Elasticity: A sub-set of shape-shifting, a Skrull's body is exceptionally pliable allowing it to stretch, mold, and re-form its limbs.
  • Size-alteration: A sub-set of elasticity, a Skrull can flatten or expand its body, to appear larger than it would when in its natural state. Also, a Skrull can condense its body mass to assume a form significantly smaller than when in its natural state. There are limits to this however. A Skrull cannot expand its body any larger than 1.5 times his or her original mass and volume, an by contrast, cannot condense its mass or volume by more than 0.75& of its original measurements.
  • Bio-weaponry: A sub-set of shape-shifting, a Skrull can transform parts of its body into any number of bladed or blunt force weapons. However, the effective damage such a weapon can administer is no greater than the overall strength and durability of the Skrull itself.
  • Flight: By their nature, Skrulls cannot fly. However, a creative Skrull may alter its form to flatten out sections of its body to give itself wing which can be used to glide or fly. A Skrull who takes the form of a bird can fly just as easily as a bird does.
  • Mimicry: A Skrull can alter the shape of its vocal chords so that it can imitate the voice, sounds, or cries of any living person or creature that it duplicates. This is an excellent application to their power as it allows for a Skrull to more effectively impersonate its target without risk of obvious detection.

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