Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Series Smallville
Season 1, Episode 5
Air date November 13th, 2001
Writers Michael Green
Director Jim Contner
Producers Mark Verheiden; Michael Green; Doris Egan; Greg Walker; Robert Petrovicz; Ken Horton; Alfred Gough; Miles Millar; Mike Tollin; Brian Robbins; Joe Davola; Tim Scanlan; Juanita Diana Feeney; Alex Taub
Starring Tom Welling; Kristin Kreuk; Michael Rosenbaum; Eric Johnson; Sam Jones III; Allison Mack; Annette O'Toole; John Schneider
Episode guide

"Cool" is the fifth episode of the superhero teen drama series Smallville. It was directed by Jim Contner with a script written by Michael Green. The episode first aired on the WB Network on Tuesday, November 13th, 2001 at 9:00 pm. In this episode, high school student Sean Kelvin becomes the latest green meteor rock "Freak o'the week" after he nearly drowns in Crater Lake and emerges with permanent hypothermia. The only way to keep warm is to steal body heat from other people, but some folks aren't always willing to give up their heat, so Sean is just going to have to take it from them.



Principal Cast[]

Actor Role
Tom Welling Clark Kent
Kristin Kreuk Lana Lang
Michael Rosenbaum Lex Luthor
Eric Johnson Whitney Fordman
Sam Jones III Pete Ross
Allison Mack Chloe Sullivan
Annette O'Toole Martha Kent
John Schneider Jonathan Kent

Guest Stars[]

Actor Role
Michael Coristine Sean Kelvin


Actor Role
Tania Saulnier Jenna Barnum
Elizabeth McLaughlin Nurse
Ted Garcia News anchor


Notes & Trivia[]

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  • The rating for the episode (TV-14, TV-MA, etc.)
  • How many episodes in this series the director may have worked on.
  • How many episodes in this series the writer may have worked on.
  • Unique spelling or mis-spelling of selected cast and crew member, which may differ from how they are identified in other works.
  • Character appearances and other annotations.


  • Martha Kent: So you would give us the latest farming equipment and technology?
  • Jonathan Kent: All in exchange for our independence.
  • Lex Luthor: My influence would be minimal, but existing, yeah. It's a partnership.
  • Jonathan Kent: We could get a loan.
  • Lex Luthor: Or you could allow me to help you get to the point where you never need someone like me again.
  • Martha Kent: I'll admit, it looks generous.
  • Lex Luthor: It is.
  • Jonathan Kent: Which begs the question what does Lex Luthor get out of all this?
  • Lex Luthor: I believe there's profit to be made. I'm not exactly in the charity business.
  • Jonathan Kent: Like father, like son.
  • Lex Luthor: Take some time to think about it. I'm sure you'll see the benefits outweigh your other options.



  • Clark Kent: Lana. Why do you go out with him? Whitney, I mean.
  • Lana Lang: Because whenever I need him, he's there. I guess he makes me feel safe.


  • Chloe Sullivan: Okay, wait! I'm not some crash test dummy you can use to try out your dating skills. You. If you like Lana so much why don't you just ask her out and get it over with. And you. Stop acting like a Vegas bookie picks your dates. And both of you - treat me better.


  • Lana Lang: You’ve been friends with Clark for a long time. Is he always so…
  • Pete Ross Clark-like? (Lana nods.) Sometimes he’s totally there and you think you know everything about him. And then there’s this part that’s…
  • Lana Lang: Mysterious…
  • Pete Ross: Yeah, that’s it... Clark Kent, international man of mystery.


  • Clark Kent: She's got a boyfriend, Lex.
  • Lex Luthor: A high school boyfriend isn't a husband. He's an obstacle.


  • Chloe Sullivan: Your online horoscope suggests that you try not to flaunt your excitement, which I know will be hard since you've been waiting for this date since, like, your first growth spurt.
  • Clark Kent: I'll say this one more time and then I'll print up bumper stickers. This isn't a date.
  • Chloe Sullivan: All right, just check out Lana's outfit. If a girl wears something new to hang out with you, you know at least she thinks it's a date.
  • Clark Kent: I thought you came over for fashion advice. [holds up shirt]
  • Chloe Sullivan: Burn that. What else have you got?
  • Clark Kent: I'll check the laundry.

See also[]

External Links[]

Season One
This article pertains to an episode from season one of the Smallville television series.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Smallville/Season 1 episodes category.
