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Slurp Ooze
Continuity: Sigmund and the Sea Monsters
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Monster
Gender: Male
Race: Sea monster
Location: Dead Man's Point, California
Associations: Ooze family
Relatives: Big Daddy Ooze
Sweet Mama Ooze
Blurp Ooze
Sigmund Ooze
Siggy Ooze
Status: Alive
First: "The Monster Who Came to Dinner"
Final: "You Can't Beat a Magic Carpet"
Actor: Paul Gale
Walker Edmiston
Fred Spencer

Slurp Ooze is a fictional sea monster and one of the main antagonists featured in the live-action children's' television series Sigmund and the Sea Monsters. The character was performed by Paul Gale and was voiced by Walker Edmiston. In season two, Slurp was played by Fred Spencer. He first appeared in the series premiere episode, "The Monster Who Came to Dinner".


Slurp Ooze was a sea monster. He lived in a cave grotto on the beach near Dead Man's Point in California. He was one of three siblings of the Ooze family, led by Big Daddy Ooze and his wife Sweet Mama Ooze. He had a brother of similar age named Blurp, and another younger brother named Sigmund. Slurp also had a rich uncle named Siggy. Slurp had greenish-yellow flesh and multiple tentacle, which doubled for both his hands and his feet. He had seaweed for hair and his flesh had more of a greenish hue than his brother Blurp. Slurp also had two teeth that grew upwards from either side of his lower jaw. Slurp spoke with a strong Southern accent and seemed to be the least intelligent of the brothers, though Blurp was not exceptionally bright either.

Like the others, Slurp admonished younger brother Sigmund for not being a particularly scary monster and for refusing to scare humans. Sigmund was kicked out of the cave, though Slurp and the others would later claim that he ran away from home. At the behest of Big Daddy and Sweet Mama, Slurp and Blurp would often engage in schemes to recover Sigmund and bring him back home, usually by kidnapping him. Sigmund had found refuge in the nearby home of the Stuart family, which included the boys Johnny and Scott. Johnny and Scott found Sigmund and brought them back to their clubhouse where they kept him hidden. [1]

One of the Ooze family's schemes to get Sigmund to come back was by dressing Slurp up as Sigmund's favorite pin-up monster, Diana Demon. Donning make-up, a dress, and a wig made of yellow yarn, Slurp went to the clubhouse to find Sigmund, but by this point, Sigmund had outgrown his affection for his sea monster starlet, preferring instead the perceived affections of a neighborhood dog named Fluffy. [2]

In another incident, Sweet Mama tasked the rest of her family with cleaning up the cave while she went out to shop for groceries at Monster Shop. Neither Big Daddy nor Blurp & Slurp wanted to tax themselves cleaning up the cave, so instead they kidnapped Scott Stuart and forced him to be their servant. While Scott cleaned up the cave, Slurp and the others entertained themselves by watching Frankenstein and King Kong movies. Witnessing this, brother Johnny came up with an idea on how to rescue Scott. Dressing up like Frankenstein, he entered the cave and told the Ooze family that he wanted Scott as his own servant. Although Slurp and the others were initially star-struck by meeting such a monstrous celebrity, the ruse was quickly exposed and Johnny, Scott and Sigmund had to race out of the cave. [3]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Slurp Ooze was created by director Richard Dunlap and writer Si Rose based on concepts developed by Sid & Marty Krofft.
  • Slurp Ooze is distinguished from brother Blurp Ooze by having more green than yellow in his flesh and tentacles, two teeth on his bottom jaw (as opposed to Blurp, whose teeth are on his top jaw). He is also slightly taller than Blurp.
  • Slurp had little patience and was prone to acts of violence. Slurp and Blurp would consistently feud with one another, which ultimately resulted in each of them beating the other with their tentacles.

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