Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Snakebite Andi 003
Sleep inducement
Classification: Super-power
Associated franchises: Buffyverse
DC Universe
Kingdom Universe
Universal Monsters
Associated programs: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Danny Phantom
Associated comics: Sandman Vol 2
Character examples: Amy Madison; Snakebite Andi; Vampirella
Related articles: Hypnosis; Psychokinesis

Sleep inducement is a super-power. It represents an individual's ability to put others to sleep using the powers of their mind. Sure, I know. There are PLENTY of people out there that can accomplish this without having the benefit of some fancy shmancy mental powers. We call those people history teachers. Some individuals may possess this power through mystical means, or it may be a product of their birth. Those who possess strong willpower or some form of psychic or mystical immunity may be able to resist the effects of this power.

In the 2013 novel Doctor Sleep, a character named Snakebite Andi possesses the ability to render people unconscious. In the movie adaptation however, this ability was expanded to include mental dominance.


Note: Characters marked with the φ symbol require an object or focus of some kind in order to produce this effect.

Name Source
Amy Madison Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bacarra Charmed
Colin Robinson What We Do in the Shadows
Dan Phantom Danny Phantom
Dream DC Universe
Hecate Charmed
Savard Charmed
Snakebite Andi Kingdom Universe
Vampirella Vampirella
Wesley Dodds φ DC Universe
Willow Rosenberg Buffy the Vampire Slayer







  • Most types of vampires may invoke this power as a sub-application of hypnosis or vampire mesmerism.

See also[]

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