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Skrull Slave Truck
Slave truck
Continuity: Fantastic Four
Type: Land vehicle
Manufacturer: Skrulls; Boss Barker
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1 (cab); Multiple in the wagon
Armament: Side-mounted machine guns; 4 rear-mounted corrosive cannons
Complement: Anti-gravity rods; Force field screen
1st appearance: Fantastic Four #91

A Skrull slave truck is a land-based motorized vehicle featured in comic book issues published by Marvel Comics. It first appeared in issue #91 of the first Fantastic Four ongoing comic book series.

Description & History[]

A Skrull slave truck was utilized by the Skrulls operating on the planet Kral IV. It's body style was patterned after vehicles common to 1930s Earth. The Skrull slave truck was equipped with anti-gravity rods that gave it atmospheric flight capabilities of a limited range. It is also equipped with a force field to protect it from structural damage. It's weaponry consisted of automatic sidecar machine guns, and three rear-mounted corrosive rays.

A group of slavers had captured the Earth superhero Ben Grimm, aka, the Thing. They were transporting him across the rocky canyon terrain of Kral when they were set upon by a slave-stealer ship sent by rival mob boss Lippy Louie. The truck's driver activated the force field to repel the fire from the World War I era-style bi-plane, then used it's anti-gravity rods to take to the sky. A mobster fired a corrosive ray blast at the plane, destroying it. Afterward, they landed and drove the Thing to a complex that resembled a prohibition-era beer brewery.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

Recommended Reading[]

  • "Gangster Planet"