Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Matriarch 001
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Category: Alien
Status: Existing
Homeworld: Sirius X
Stellar system: Al'Ma'an system
Galaxy: Milky Way Galaxy
Body type: Humanoid
Average height: 5'11" [1]
Limbs: 4
Eyes: 2
Fingers: 10
Toes: 10
Special adaptations: None
Representatives: Matriarch
Affiliations: Universal Church of Truth
1st appearance: Strange Tales #178

Sirusites are a fictional alien race featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are associated with Marvel's "Cosmic" family of titles and first appeared in the "Who Is Adam Warlock?" story from Strange Tales #178 in February, 1975.


Sirusites are a sentient humanoid race that hail from the planet Sirius X. In terms of biology and physical capabilities they are virtually indistinguishable from Earth humans.


The Matriarch, real name unknown, was a humanoid alien of the Sirusite species. She was likely born on the planet Sirius X. The Matriarch was the leader of the Universal Church of Truth and a worshiper of the Magus. She eventually became dissatisfied with the Magus' control over here and sought to secretly overthrow him. To this end, she manipulated events to bring the Magus' younger counterpart, Adam Warlock to Sirius X in the hopes that he could defeat him. [2]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The singular for Sirusites is Sirusite, which redirects to this page. Sirusite may also refer to anything of, or relating to this race's language or culture.
  • There is an estimated population of 45 billion Sirusites on Sirius X. [3]

Related pages[]

See also[]

External Links[]

