Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Gotham 3x05 004
Sirens Club
Continuity: Gotham
Category: Business
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
City: Gotham City
Residents: Barbara Kean; Tabitha Galavan
1st appearance: "Better to Reign in Hell..."

Sirens is the name of a club featured on the TV series Gotham. It appeared in season three of the series, which was bannered under the subtitle "Mad City". It first appeared in the season premiere episode, "Better to Reign in Hell...".


Sirens was located in a section of Gotham that fell under Mario Falcone's territory. Barbara Kean took control of the club, and struck up an alliance with Oswald Cobblepot. With Penguin backing her, she was able to exert muscle over Falcone, which ultimately led to his demise. Barbara's occasional lover, Tabitha Galavan also spent time at Sirens, and became her partner. [1]


James Gordon came to Sirens where he reluctantly asked Barbara for help in trying to track down Selina Kyle, whom he knew was linked to Fish Mooney and her monstrous entourage. [2]

One of the first major acts to perform at Sirens was a hypnotist named Jervis Tetch. Tetch performed his act, taking volunteers from the audience and demonstrating his ability by hypnotizing them and having them perform various feats. To kick things up a notch, Barbara even volunteered herself. This could have ended up disastrously for Tetch however, as he had not considered Barbara's emotional instability when it came to feelings of rejection. [3]

After securing the win for his election bid as mayor, Oswald Cobblepot held a celebration at Sirens. In addition to his entourage and the club's regular guests, certain members of the social elite were in attendance, including Bruce Wayne. The evening started off well, but ended in chaos due to the machinations of Edward Nygma and his plot to expose Butch Gilzean as the architect behind the second Red Hood Gang. [4]



  1. Gotham: Better to Reign in Hell...
  2. Gotham: Burn the Witch
  3. Gotham: Look Into My Eyes
  4. Gotham: New Day Rising
  5. Gotham: Anything for You


See also[]

