Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Sherry.

The Walking Dead[]

Walking Dead 6x06 004

Sherry is a fictional character featured on the AMC survival horror series The Walking Dead. She was played by actress Christine Evangelista and first appeared in the sixth episode of season six, "Always Accountable". Sherry was a young woman who lived in Virginia during the zombie apocalypse. She was the wife of a man named Dwight and was associated with the Saviors. She had a younger sister named Tina. Sherry and Dwight attempted to escape from the Saviors, after the group's leader, Negan, announced his intention to take Tina as a bride. While they were out in the woods, Sherry and Dwight came upon a man named Daryl Dixon, whom they captured and forced to come along with them. During this affair, Tina was bitten by a walker and reanimated and they had to put her down. They took Daryl's motorcycle and crossbow and left him on the side of the road. Negan eventually captured them and Dwight was punished by having his face mutilated with a hot iron. As replacement for the now-dead Tina, Negan took Sherry as his new bride. Sherry maintained an obedience to Negan, but also demonstrated a subtle form of defiance in her attitude towards him. She continued to play the part of "wife" to keep Dwight safe. Shortly after Negan captured Daryl, Sherry set him free and then took off on her own. Dwight tried to track her down and found a note that she had written him in their old house. Dwight returned to Negan and told him that Sherry had been killed by walkers. He implicated Emmett Carson in letting Daryl escape, hoping that Negan would accept this, and forget about Sherry.

