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Grimm 1x03 020
Sean Renard
Aliases: Captain Renard
Captain Sean Renard
Series: Grimm
Notability: Main character
Occupation: Law enforcement
Gender: Male
Location: Portland, Oregon
Status: Alive
First: "Pilot"
Actor: Sasha Roiz

Sean Renard is a fictional police detective and one of the main characters from the NBC television series Grimm. Played by actor Sasha Roiz, he was introduced in the pilot episode of the series and was credited in every subsequent episode.


Sean Renard is the captain of the Portland Police Bureau. He is also secretly a member of the supernatural community known as the Wesen. Sean knows that Homicide detective Nick Burkhardt is a Grimm - a hunter of Wesen and keeps a close, yet distant eye on him.


Captain Renard put together a search team which consisted of uniformed officers and detectives to track down the missing girl Robin Howell. He set up a search grid of Berkeley Park and the surrounding neighborhoods including Hildabrand Road, which is where Robin lived with her mother and grandfather. [1]

Renard employed a Hexenbiest named Adalind Schade to assassinate former Grimm Marie Kessler before she could impart too much information to her successor Nick Burkhardt. When this failed, Renard brought in a Reaper to finish the job. This tactic also failed, but Kessler died anyway. However, she lived long enough to pass her legacy as well as her weaponry and resources to Nick Burkhardt.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The pilot episode of Grimm revealed that Renard was aligned with the Wesen, but kept his connection to them shrouded in mystery.

See also[]

External links[]

