Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Scooby Gang
Aliases: Scoobies
Continuity: Buffyverse
Type: Social group
Status: Active
Leaders: Buffy Summers
Members: Buffy Summers; Xander Harris; Willow Rosenberg; Cordelia Chase; Daniel Osbourne; Faith Lehane; Anya Jenkins; Tara Maclay; Dawn Summers; Riley Finn; Andrew Wells
Allies: Rupert Giles; Team Angel; Slayers
Enemies: Vampires; Demons; The Initiative; Twilight

The Scooby Gang originally referred to the central characters from the Scooby Doo cartoon series. In later years, the term was applied to several characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Specifically, those who were friends with Buffy Summers. The characters have also been collectively referred to as the "Scoobies". The original scoobies consisted of Buffy, Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg and Cordelia Chase. Later members include Daniel Osbourne, Faith Lehane, Anya Jenkins, Tara Maclay, Dawn Summers, Riley Finn and Andrew Wells. Allies of the Scoobies include Angel, Spike and Rupert Giles. The term was first coined by Xander Harris, but has since been used by others when describing the group.


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Buffy the Vampire Slayer


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