Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Scarecrow woman
Scarecrow woman
Aliases: Scarecrow
Continuity: Terrifier film series
Notability: Minor character
Type: Partier
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Realmsville
Relatives: Clear mask man
Status: Alive
First: The 9th Circle
Actor: Christine Evangelista

The scarecrow woman is a fictional partier and a minor character featured in the greater Terrifier film series. Played by actress Christine Evangelista, she appeared in the 2008 film short The 9th Circle. Her scenes were also incorporated into the first vignette from the 2013 anthology film All Hallows' Eve.


This otherwise unidentified woman was likely a resident of the town of Realmsville. On Halloween night in 2008, she and a boyfriend wearing a clear mask had been enjoying a night of partying. She was adorned in a scarecrow costume and held onto a noose that was looped around her companion's neck.

In the early hours of November 1st, after having clearly consumed large quantities of alcohol, the scarecrow woman and her companion stumbled through the Realmsville Station where they encountered a woman named Casey. She asked Casey if she knew when the next train would be coming along, but Casey did not know. She then asked Casey for a cigarette, but Casey didn't smoke. With that, the woman and her significant other left the area.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

External Links[]


2008 | Casey | Clear mask man | Halloween | November 1st | Realmsville Station | Scarecrow
