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Sandy (Friday the 13th)
Continuity: Friday the 13th
Notability: Minor character
Type: Waitress
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Crystal Lake Township, New Jersey
Associations: Blairstown Diner
Status: Alive
First: Friday the 13th (1980)
Actor: Sally Anne Golden

Sandy is a fictional waitress featured in the Friday the 13th multimedia franchise. Played by actress Sally Anne Golden, she had a bit role in the 1980 horror movie Friday the 13th.


Sandy was a waitress at a the Blairstown Diner just outside Camp Crystal Lake. In 1979, campground manager Steve Christy visited her and described his counselors as "Babes in the woods". Sandy teased Steve by giving him a discount on his meal, then saying that he owed her a "night on the town".

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Playing the role of Sandy was actress Sally Anne Golden's third and final work in film. It was also her second horror. Her first credited work was playing a police woman in the 1976 thriller Alice Sweet Alice.

Final Fate[]

  • Sandy lives! Let's face it. There are not many characters in this franchise who get to say that.


See also[]

Friday the 13th media

The World of Jason Voorhees

