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See also Saint for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

"I've longed to throttle you for years, animal. I've waited to strangle the life from your bestial heart."
Saint the Dog
Saint the Dog
Aliases: Saint
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Series: The Tomb of Dracula
Notability: Recurring character
Occupation: Vampire hunter
Gender: Male
Race: Dog
Location: London, England
Relatives: Quincy Harker [1]
Rachel van Helsing [2]
Status: Deceased by virtue of time era
First: Tomb of Dracula #7

Saint is a fictional dog and a recurring character featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and is associated with the Dracula line of comic book titles. He first appeared in Tomb of Dracula #7 in March, 1973.


Saint 002

Don't mess with Saint.

Saint was a brown-haired hound dog owned by Quincy Harker, who was an invalid vampire hunter from London, England. Harker trained Saint to be an attack dog, specifically with a nose for targeting vampires. Saint became Harker's able-bodied ally in his ongoing crusade to destroy the lord of all vampires, Dracula.

Saint was always on point to tear into the Lord of Vampires on-site. Although Dracula could easily vanquish the raging animal, he found himself growing increasingly frustrated with how often and how quickly Saint would go straight for the jugular.

With the death of Quincy Harker, it may be assumed that ownership of Saint went to Quincy's closest ally, Rachel van Helsing. Van Helsing would eventually die as well years later. What became of Saint during the intervening years is unknown.


  • Crucifix collar: Quincy Harker outfitted Saint with a collar lined with crosses made out of silver. Crosses are known to keep vampires at bay, and silver is anathema to many supernatural creatures.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Saint the Dog was created by writer Marv Wolfman and artists Gene Colan and Tom Palmer.
  • Quincy Harker always regarded Saint as a good judge of character. [3]
  • Saint took an instinctive dislike to cult leader Anton Lupeski and even lunged at him upon seeing him. [3]
  • The final fate of Saint is unclear. As Marvel Comics adopts a time-slide scale governing the passage of time in their internal continuity, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when Saint's adventures actually took place. As such, it is possible that Saint may have passed away from natural causes due to age.
  • Another animal in popular fiction that was trained to target supernatural creatures is Shiva, who is a tiger featured in The Walking Dead comic book series and television show. The loyal pet of King Ezekiel, Shiva had an instinctive knack for targeting adversaries and lost her life fighting zombies to protect her master.


See also[]


The World of Dracula


  1. Original owner, deceased.
  2. Presumably his new owner, deceased.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Tomb of Dracula 59