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"Shop smart. Shop S-Mart!"
Ash Williams
S-Mart Supercenter
Continuity: Evil Dead
Aliases: S-Mart Supercenter
Category: Business
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
Residents: Ash Williams
1st appearance: Army of Darkness

S-Mart is a fictional business featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. It first appeared in the 1992 feature film Army of Darkness and has also made appearances in alternative media such as comic book adaptations and video games.


S-Mart is an American big-box department store chain. Ash Williams once worked here as a stock boy in the Detroit, Michigan branch, and eventually worked his way up to become a Housewares manager. It was here that he met Linda, who became his girlfriend.

Following a time travel jaunt to Medieval times, Ash returned to working at S-Mart, but was now cautious of the presence of evil spirits that possessed humans known as Deadites. One such individual attacked Ash in the store, and he used his wits and his shotgun to take her down. [1]

In 2008, S-Mart opened its first Supercenter retail outlet in Crystal Lake Township, New Jersey. Employees of this outlet included Caroline, Davey, Jarvis, and Raoul. To help the staff sure things up for the holiday season, they borrowed Ash from the Detroit location to come to the new center. [2]

Once you mix Deadites with Crystal Lake, you know that all sorts of trouble is going to arise, right? Ash, as well as some young employees named Caroline, Jarvis, and Raoul scavenged some supplies in order to take down undead mass murderer Jason Voorhees, but Jason is a lot smarter than most people give him credit for, and their plan didn't quite work out. [3]



  • The concept of S-Mart was developed by writer and director Sam Raimi & actor and executive producer Bruce Campbell.
  • The slogan for S-Mart was "Shop smart! Shop S-Mart!", which Ash was known to intone at different times.
  • Ash Williams' pride and joy was his 12-gauge double-barreled Remington shotgun. It was S-Mart's top of the line and found in the sporting goods department.

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