Roswell is an American science fiction television series of the Teen Drama subgenre. It was created by Jason Katims based on a book authored by Melinda Metz. The show was produced by Katim's studio, Jason Katims Productions for Regency Television, which is an adjunct of 20th Century Fox Television. The show ran for three seasons, totaling sixty-one episodes. Seasons one and two were broadcast on the WB Network from October, 1999 to [[May, 2001 with the third and final season airing on UPN from October, 2001 to May, 2002.
Roswell stars Shiri Appleby in the role of the female lead, Liz Parker, who is an Earth human who befriends three aliens from the infamous 1947 "Roswell crash", who have taken on the forms of human teenagers. They are Max Evans (played by Jason Behr), Isabel Evans (played by Katherine Heigl), and Michael Guerin (played by Brendan Fehr).