Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Ross Horton
Aliases: Highwayman
The Highwayman
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Mercenary
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: England
Relatives: None
Status: Alive
First: Captain Britain #37

Ross Horton is a fictional super-criminal featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is part of the Marvel UK line and first appeared in Captain Britain #37 in June, 1977.


Ross Horton was a criminal who went by the code-name of the Highwayman. He was an underling of Basil Crushstone, the Manipulator. The Highwayman came into conflict with Captain Britain in a plot to take mental control over Queen Elizabeth II.



  • None: Ross Horton is by all accounts a normal human being with no superhuman abilities to speak of.



  • Chains: The Highway wielded a length of chain as a melee weapon.
  • Grenades: The Highwayman had mini-grenades that doubled as the studs on his leather jacket.
  • Monocle: Ross Horton wore a monocle over his right eye that could fire stun blasts.
  • Motorcycle: The Highwayman rode a motorcycle with a high windshield that was equipped with laser cannons in the headlights. He called it the Hellfire Machine.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

External Links[]


  • Captain Britain 37
  • Captain Britain 38
  • Captain Britain 39
  • Captain Britain Vol 2 1
  • Captain Britain Autumn Special 3
  • Marvel Team-Up 65 (In flashback only)
  • Super Spider-Man & Captain Britain 231
  • Super Spider-Man & Captain Britain 232
  • Super Spider-Man & Captain Britain 250

