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Doctor Who - Genesis of the Daleks (Part 2) 005
Continuity: Doctor Who
Type: Scientist
Gender: Male
Race: Kaled
Location: Skaro
Status: Deceased
First: "Genesis of the Daleks (Part 2)"
Actor: James Garbutt

Ronson was a fictional scientist and a minor character featured in the original Doctor Who television series. Played by actor James Garbutt, he first appeared in the second chapter of the 1975 serial (season 12), "Genesis of the Daleks". The character also appeared in chapters three and four.


Doctor Ronson was a humanoid member of the Kaled race of the planet Skaro. He was a member of the Kaled Elite Scientific Corps and served during the final days of the Thousand Year War. At some point in the distant past, the mysterious time traveler known only as the Doctor came to Skaro to prevent the development of his most hated enemy - the Daleks. The Kaled Military Elite captured the Doctor as well as his companion Harry Sullivan and imprisoned them in the underground bunker run by the Kaled Scientific Corps. Doctor Ronson was placed in charge of interrogating the prisoners. The Doctor told him the truth about his mission, but Ronson was incredulous, scoffing at the notion of a being capable of moving through time. [1]

Ronson learned that his superior, Davros, was creating a travel machine, which was meant to house mutated organisms which he called Daleks. Although he was one of the chief researchers on the project, Ronson eventually determined that what Davros was planning was monstrous. The Daleks were being bred as unconscionable, unfeeling inhuman killers. He could no longer condone the experiments and agreed to help the Doctor escape from the facility in the hopes that he might find a way to halt the development of the Daleks. [2]

Davros soon learned of Ronson's treachery and accused him of being a spy for their hated enemies, the Thals. Before Ronson could plead his case, Davros had one of his Daleks execute him. [3]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Chronologically, Doctor Ronson was the first victim of the Daleks.
  • Actor James Garbutt also played the role of a Kryptonian elder in the 1978 film Superman.

See also[]


The World of Doctor Who

Doctor Who miscellaneous

External Links[]

