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True Blood 5x02 002
Roman Zimojic
Continuity: True Blood
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Vampire
Gender: Male
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Status: Deceased
Died: 2009 [1]
First: "Turn! Turn! Turn!"
Final: "Hopeless"
Actor: Christopher Meloni

Roman Zimojic is a fictional vampire and a supporting character on the HBO television series True Blood. Played by actor Christopher Meloni, he was introduced in the premiere episode of season five, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" and was a billed cast member throughout the first half of the season.


Roman Zimojic is a vampire elder and the leader of the Authority. After a controversial incident involving the vampires of Bon Temps, Louisiana against a coven of witches led by Marnie Stonebrook, Roman sent Nan Flanagan to deliver the True Death to the vampire King of Louisiana Bill Compton as well as the Sheriff of Section 5, Eric Northman. Nan failed in this endeavor and paid for it with her own life. (TB: And When I Die)

Roman sent a backup team of his elite soldiers (whom Northman often refers to as "gay stormtroopers") to capture Bill and Eric. They encased them in silver nets and were bringing them back to the Authority to face justice, but fortunately for the two rogue vampires, they managed to escape with the help of Eric's "sister" Nora Gainsborough. (TB: Turn! Turn! Turn!)

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Actor Christopher Meloni is best known for playing the role of New York City police detective Elliot Stabler on the crime drama series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
  • Christopher Meloni also played a character named Frank Holloway in the 2009 film Carriers.
  • Roman was featured on variant cover D of the June 8th, 2012 issue of Entertainment Weekly.


See also[]

The World of True Blood




External Links[]


  1. Although the episode was originally broadcast in 2012, the events from season five actually take place in late 2009.