Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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Robert Shaye
Robert Shaye
Vital statistics
Name Robert Shaye
Aliases Bob Shaye; L.E. Moko
Roles Producer
Place of birth Detroit, Michigan
Gender Male
Date of birth March 3rd, 1939
Date of death
First appearance Xtro (1983)

Robert Shaye is an American film producer born in Detroit, Michigan on March 3rd, 1939. He is best known as the former president of New Line Cinema, the company responsible for developing the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise and bringing J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy to life. In the world of science fiction Robert Shaye was the executive producer on the 1983 sci-fi/horror film Xtro. In 1987, he produced the science fiction action thriller The Hidden, both of which dealt with the subject of extraterrestrials living on Earth.

Body of work[]


Film Year Role
Xtro 1983 Executive producer
The Hidden 1987 Executive producer

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Husband of actress Lin Shaye who appeared in The Hidden.
  • The original ending to Xtro was to show Rachel Phillips coming home to find the apartment filled with clones of her son Tony, having apparently hatched from the alien eggs which had been left in the refrigerator. However, executive producer Robert Shaye did not feel that the special effects required for the scene would be convincing enough and it was re-edited to show Rachel sitting down in a field after Sam and Tony leave.

External Links[]


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Xtro Actor or Crew member
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