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American Horror Story 9x03 002
Aliases: Real Rita
Continuity: American Horror Story
Notability: Minor character
Type: Nurse
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: California
Status: Deceased
Died: 1984
First: "Slashdance"
Actor: Dreama Walker

Rita is a fictional nurse and a minor character featured on the FX Network television series American Horror Story. Played by actress Dreama Walker, she appeared in the third episode of the ninth season of the show, "1984", which was titled "Slashdance"


Rita was a nurse who was hired by Margaret Booth to work at Camp Redwood in the summer of 1984. She was driving down The Five when she took note of a car that had been following her for quite some time. She pulled off at Roy's Gas & Grill and the second car pulled over as well. The other driver was Donna Chambers. Rita asked her why she had been following her, and Donna told her that she was also heading towards Camp Redwood. Rita apologized for acting suspicious blaming the recent Night Stalker murders for getting her nerves up. She asked Donna to keep an eye on her car while she went inside the building.

When she came back out, Donna was nowhere to be seen. Rita began driving only to find that Donna was in the back seat. Donna injected Rita with something to knock her out and brought her body to Camp Redwood. Donna then assumed Rita's name and identity and began working at the campground as a nurse. She kept Rita bound and gagged inside the boathouse.

Within the span of three days, the campground was set upon by not one, but two serial killers: Richard Ramirez the "Night Stalker", and Benjamin Richter, aka "Mr. Jingles". Richter found Rita inside the boathouse and she scrambled to get away. He raised a knife to attack her, but discarded it after seeing a broken rowing oar. He took the sharpened end of the oar and plunged it into Rita's screaming mouth, silencing her forever.

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