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"Welcome to New Raccoon City"
Series Resident Evil
Season 1, Episode 1
Resident Evil 1x01 001
Air date July 14th, 2022
Writers Andrew Dabb
Director Bronwen Hughes
Producers Andrew Dabb; Robert Kulzer; Bronwen Hughes; Mary Leah Sutton; Martin Moszkowicz; Oliver Berben; Colin Scully; Pablito Tancinco; Dylan Tarason; Alexander Hamilton Westmore; Kerry Williamson
Starring Ella Balinska; Tamara Smart; Siena Agudong; Adeline Rudolph; Paola Núñez; Lance Reddick
Episode guide
"The Devil You Know"

"Welcome to New Raccoon City" is the first episode of the Resident Evil live-action streaming series. It was directed by Bronwen Hughes with a script written by Andrew Dabb. All episodes from this series premiered on Netflix on Thursday, July 14th, 2022.



Note: Listings marked with a (†) symbol indicate cast members who are credited in this episode, but their character does not make an appearance.

Actor Role
Ella Balinska Jade Wesker
Tamara Smart Young Jade Wesker
Siena Agudong Young Billie Wesker
Adeline Rudolph Billie Wesker
Paola Núñez Evelyn Marcus
Lance Reddick Albert Wesker

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Turlough Convery Richard Baxter
Connor Gosatti Simon Marcus
Ahad Raza Mir Arjun Batra
Ella Zieglmeier Bea Wesker
Anthony Oseyemi Roth
Mpho Osei-Tutu Yen
Haseena Allie Tammy Isaacs
Nicholas Pauling Tate
Richard Wright-Firth Maskey


Actor Role
Adrienne Pearce Mrs. Morgan
Michelle Allen Rhonda
Lauren Steyn Carol
Ashish Gangapersad Dave Isaacs
Evan Hengst Carl
Kayla Jordaan Kid
Bianca Mannie Spokeswoman
Suraya Rose Santos Spokesmodel
Gavin Werner Bob
Siobhan Hodgson Tanya


Episode Notes[]

Story Notes[]

  • The modern-day A story takes place in the year 2022. The near-future B story takes place in March of the year 2036.
  • Jade Wesker has notes relating to Pack 421, which is apparently one of the zero hordes that she had spent six months studying in 2036.
  • Pack 2426 is the name of the current zero horde that Jade studies in March, 2036.
  • Jade Wesker has a tattoo on her lower right arm that reads NRC9002. This number indicates that she is a survivor.
  • Arjun Batra is Jade Wesker's lover, not her husband. However, he is the adoptive father of Jade's daughter, Bea. The identity of Bea's biological father is unknown.


  • The title of this episode is an indirect reference to the original Raccoon City, which was destroyed in 1998 at the end of the original Resident Evil video game. This is confirmed in episode 1x04, "The Turn".


  • Tate: What were you doing out there?
  • Jade Wesker: My job. I study zeros. Watch how they change, evolve.
  • Tate: Zeros don't change.
  • Jade Wesker: They will... because the virus will. If we're lucky, it'll get weaker, and the weaker it gets, the smarter, the more human the zeros will become. We need to understand it. Them.
  • Tate: I get how to kill 'em. I'm good.
  • Jade Wesker: No, you're not. There's, what, 300 million humans left on this planet? But six billion of them. I don't think you can kill them all. So we have to learn how to live with them. Like we do... AIDS or Ebola or anything else that's trying to wipe out the human race. And we made them, so...
  • Tate: I didn't make no fucking zero... and I didn't end the fucking world. And, uh, I guess you know about that.


  • Jade Wesker: Those zeros, how many are out there?
  • Tate: It changes. A few hundred at least. We got over a thousand last summer. Not sure why.
  • Jade Wesker: They can smell you. Their eyes go first. After about two or three years, the cornea is fried. Their hearing goes next, but their sense of smell it keeps getting better. And in the summer, people stink.
  • Tate: Smart fucking dead folks, huh?
  • Jade Wesker: They're not dead. The T-virus doesn't kill people, it rewires their brains. Your groupies outside? They're zero strain. Carriers. All they want to do is eat and spread the virus. And when the T goes cross-species, it triggers rampant cell growth. It makes animals big and mean and...
  • Tate: Really fucking big and really fucking mean.


  • Albert Wesker: What do you do for Umbrella, Dave?
  • Dave Isaacs: I'm a server admin.
  • Albert Wesker: And, um... how many people can do your job, Dave? A thousand? Ten thousand?
  • Dave Isaacs: I guess?
  • Albert Wesker: Well, I work for Umbrella, too. And do you know how many people could do my job? One. Me.
  • Dave Isaacs: Okay. Cool?
  • Albert Wesker: It's not. It means I work too much. It means... I'm not much of a father. I try, but... I'm not.
  • Dave Isaacs: Okay, but what... what does this-...
  • Albert Wesker: And it means that Umbrella needs me. So... what happens if I call the people that own this town? The people that pay you and me and her. What happens if I call them and I say that I'm going to quit unless... they fired you. No, I'm sorry. I... I don't want you fired. I want you blacklisted. I want it so that no tech company ever hires you. Not Apple. Not Google. I want PornHub to shred your resume. Now, if I say that... what do you think they're going to do, Dave?

See also[]

Resident Evil

The World of Resident Evil

External Links[]


2022 | 2036 | Africa | Brighton | Dogs | England | Flame weapons | Giant monsters | Helicopter | High school | Immolation | London | March | New Raccoon City | Pablo | Pack 2426 | Rabbits | Raccoon High School | South Africa | Viruses | Zombies

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