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Ash vs Evil Dead 2x08 006
Reg Lopez
Aliases: Pablo Simon Bolivar
Continuity: Evil Dead
Series: Ash vs Evil Dead
Notability: Minor character
Type: Orderly
Occupation: Security guard
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Kenward County, Michigan
Associations: Kenward County Asylum
Status: Deceased
Born: August 5th, 1984 [1]
Died: Unknown
First: "Delusion"
Final: "Ashy Slashy"
Actor: Jatinder Singh
Ray Santiago

Reg Lopez is a fictional security guard/orderly and a minor character featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. He is associated with the Ash vs Evil Dead television series and first appeared as a delusion in episode 2x07, "Delusion". The real Reg Lopez appeared briefly as a corpse in episode 2x08, "Ashy Slashy". He was played by Ray Santiago in delusion scenes and by Jatinder Singh in other scenes.


Reg Lopez was a security guard formerly employed at the Kenward County Asylum in Kenward County, Michigan. The Dark One known as Baal had taken over the asylum and had Ash Williams committed in the hopes of breaking him. Ash's allies, Pablo Simon Bolivar and Ruby Knowby came to the asylum to rescue him and found Reg Lopez hanging inside one of the rooms; a victim of apparent suicide.

In Ash Williams' delusion, Reg Lopez took on the semblance of Pablo and was actually an abusive orderly.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Although the character is meant to be Latino, he was portrayed by an Indian actor in non-delusional scenes.
  • Ash Williams is portrayed as being vaguely racist in Ash vs Evil Dead. As such, it is possible that his delusional inability to distinguish between Reg and Pablo is a reflection of his ignorance. However, it is just as likely that this is also an intended tactic perpetuated by Baal to drive Ash further into madness.

See also[]

External Links[]


Season Two[]


  1. Indicated on his security access badge.
  2. Appearing as Pablo Simon Bolivar in a delusion.