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Atom - Invasion of the Beetle Men 010
The Atom
Aliases: The Atom
Continuity: Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Superhero
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Ivy University
Status: Alive
First: "Invasion of the Beetle Men"
Actor: Pat Harrington, Jr.

The Atom is a fictional scientist and superhero based on the character of Ray Palmer, aka the Atom, as seen in comic books published by DC Comics. This version of the character appeared in three of his own animated shorts produced in 1967, which were part of the Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure. He also appeared in three animated shorts as a member of the Justice League of America. Voiced by Pat Harrington, Jr., he first appeared in a story called "Invasion of the Beetle Men", written by George Kashdan.


Ray Palmer was a young scientist who worked at Ivy University. He was also secretly the Tiny Titan known as the Atom. Palmer could adjust a device in his costume, which would allow him to shrink to an extremely small size. He would invariably find himself mixed up in wild adventures, most of which involved would-be conquerors of some degree or another. Invariably, his older colleagues at Ivy University found themselves involved in these adventures as well, though they could not bring themselves to even suspect that Ray Palmer might also be the Atom.

The Atom battled up against a race of Beetle-Men, who came to Earth in a meteor and tried to destroy a volume of nuclear materials. As Ray Palmer, he journeyed with his colleagues to an island where a mad scientist had created dangerous toxic plant spores that were powerful enough to even bring down an aircraft.

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