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Ravenscar Secure Hospital
Aliases: Ravenscar Psychiatric Facility
Category: Medical center
Continent: Europe
Country: England
Residents: Roger Huntoon
1st appearance: Hellblazer #8

The Ravenscar Secure Hospital is a fictional mental health facility featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It first appeared in Hellblazer #8 in August, 1988. It also appeared on the pilot episode of the Constantine television series on NBC titled "Non Est Asylum".


Ravenscar is a mental health facility located in England. In 1978, amateur conjurer John Constantine led an exorcism that went terribly awry, resulting in the release of a demon, and the loss of a young girl's soul. The experience drove him insane and he was remanded to Ravenscar under the care of Doctor Roger Huntoon. News of the failed Newcastle exorcism quickly spread amongst the staff, and several of the orderlies who had daughters the same age as Astra took great pleasure in tormenting John at every available opportunity. Doctor Roger Huntoon's treatments were nothing short of barbaric and he subjected John to intense sessions of electro-shock therapy. In 1980, a man named Harry Cooper, in need of John's special talents, arranged to have him released from Ravenscar. Constantine always remembered the torture he received there at the hands of Huntoon, and has taken several opportunities to return the favor.



See also[]

Hellblazer media

The World of Hellblazer


External Links[]
