This page is similar in name or subject to other pages.
See also Ragesh for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles. |
Ragesh III station | |
Continuity: | Babylon 5 |
Category: | Space station |
System: | Ragesh system |
Planet: | Ragesh III (orbit) |
Residents: | Ayla; Carn Mollari |
1st appearance: | Babylon 5: Midnight on the Firing Line |
Ragesh III station is a fictional space station featured in the American science fiction television series Babylon 5, which aired in syndication in the United States from 1994 to 1998. It first appeared in the series' premiere episode, "Midnight on the Firing Line".
This facility was a research and development satellite located in orbit around the planet Ragesh III in the Ragesh star system. It was the laboratory center for a Centauri agricultural colony located on the planet. In February of 2258, the Narns, sworn enemies of the Centauri, executed an unprovoked sneak attack against the colony, exiting from a jump point and swarming in with wave after wave of Narn heavy cruisers and Frazi-class heavy freighters. When news of this reached Centauri Prime, they decided that the colony world was too remote and insignificant to warrant retaliation. Centauri ambassador Londo Mollari however, felt differently; particularly because his nephew Carn Mollari was serving about the station at the time. When the station's personnel learned that their government would take no action in rescuing them, they eleted to ally themselves with the Narns. (B5: Midnight on the Firing Line)
- Ayla, Watch commander
- Carn Mollari, Researcher
Notes & Trivia[]
See also[]
The World of Babylon 5
Babylon 5 miscellaneous
External Links[]