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Radoslav's Vietnamese Grocery and Deli
Radoslav's Vietnamese Grocery and Deli
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Category: Business
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: New Jersey
County: Hudson County
City: Jersey City
Residents: Radoslav
1st appearance: All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1

Radoslav's Vietnamese Grocery and Deli is a fictional business featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. It first appeared in the fifth story from the All-New Marvel NOW! Point One one-shot special featuring Ms. Marvel called "Garden State of Mind".


Radoslav's Vietnamese Grocery and Devli was a market store located in Jersey City, New Jersey. It was presumably owned and operated by man named Radoslav. On one of her first outings as Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan super-stretched across the city skyline, passing over Radoslav's. Two patrons standing outside the store observed her, with one of them asking if it was Captain Marvel. The other corrected her, citing that Captain Marvel wears a sash, while Ms. Marvel wears a skirt and a mask. [1]


  • Radoslav



  1. All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1 (March, 2014). Written by G. Willow Wilson. Artwork by Adrian Alphona.