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Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"The Enchanted"
Series Quatermass and the Pit
Season 1, Episode 4
Quatermass and the Pit 1x04 002
Air date January 12th, 1959
Writers Nigel Kneale
Producers Rudolph Cartier
Starring André Morell; Cec Linder; Anthony Bushell; John Stratton; Christine Finn
Episode guide
"Imps and Demons"
"The Wild Hunt"

"The Enchanted" is the fourth episode of the Quatermass and the Pit television miniseries and the fourth episode of the series overall. It was directed by Rudolph Cartier with a script written by Nigel Kneale. It first aired on BBC One in the United Kingdom on January 12th, 1959.



Actor Role
André Morell Bernard Quatermass
Cec Linder Matthew Roney
Anthony Bushell James Breen
John Stratton Captain Potter
Christine Finn Barbara Judd

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Richard Shaw Sladden
Brian Worth James Fullalove
Michael Ripper Sergeant
Harold Goodwin Corporal Gibson
Tony Quinn Jacko, news editor
Robert Perceval Minister
Richard Dare Harrison, private secretary


Actor Role
Allan McClelland 1st journalist
Bill Shine 2nd journalist
Ian Wilson 3rd journalist
Clifford Cox 1st sapper
Brian Gilmar 2nd sapper
Bernard Spear News vendor
Kenneth Seeger Doctor Klein
Ian Ainsley Police inspector
Patrick Connor Policeman
Noel Howlett Vicar Gilpin

Notes & Trivia[]

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  • The production code number for the episode.
  • Home video availability for the episode (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), as well as which services provide digital download copies and/or streaming video services.
  • The rating for the episode (TV-14, TV-MA, etc.)
  • How many episodes in this series the director may have worked on.
  • How many episodes in this series the writer may have worked on.
  • Unique spelling or mis-spelling of selected cast and crew member, which may differ from how they are identified in other works.
  • Character appearances and other annotations.


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See also[]

External Links[]


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