A quarantine "is used to separate and restrict the movement of well persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill." Quarantine can be applied to humans, but also to animals of various kinds, and both as part of border control as well as within a country.
On The 4400, 4,400 missing persons from different points in time suddenly reappeared at the base of Mt. Ranier. Unsure what to do with them, the National Threat Assessment Command (NTAC) placed them all into quarantine until they could determine that they did not represent a viral threat to the general populace.
On the TV series Andromeda, a quarantine zone was established between the Systems Commonwealth and the Nietzschean Empire in order to keep the Magog out of their respective territories. This edict was part of the Treaty of Antares.
In the "Soul Hunter" episode of Babylon 5, a member of the soul hunter race was found and brought aboard the Babylon 5 station. He was immediately placed into quarantine.
On the TV show Defiance the city-state of Defiance, Missouri was struck by an Irathient Plague. As the Irathient race were carriers for the disease, they were all rounded up and placed into quarantine at the McCawley Mines - allegedly, "for their own protection".
Other uses[]
Quarantine could also refer to:
- Quarantine, A 1989 film written and directed by Charles Wilkinson.
- "Quarantine", Episode 1x13 of Men Into Space.