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Droids 1x04 003
Aliases: Proto One
Continuity: Star Wars
Notability: Minor character
Type: Robot
Gender: Masculine personality
Location: Boonta Scrapyard, Boonta
Status: Active
Born: 115 BBY
First: "A Race to the Finish"

Proto-One is a fictional robot and a minor character featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. He is associated with the Star Wars: Droids animated television series and appeared in episode 1x04, "A Race to the Finish". He was voiced by actor Graham Haley.


As his name suggests, Proto-One considers himself a "one of a kind". After a century of loyal service, he was "junked" by his owners and left to rust in the scrapyard on the planet Boonta. Still functional, Proto-One affected repairs on himself, using parts from other inactive droids that had been left behind for scraps.

Around 15 BBY, the Sand Sloth starrunner-class ship crash-landed on Boonta. Among its occupants were the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, who had only recently come under the ownership of Thall Joben, Jord Dusat, and Kea Moll. C-3PO did not trust this droid although Artoo took an immediate liking to him.

Threepio's poor judgment revealed itself again when he bonded with another class of protocol droid named BL-17, who hailed from the same production line that Threepio did. It was Proto-One who proved Bl-17 to be a traitor. He then warned Kea Moll's group that Bl-17 had planted a thermal detonator inside of their landspeeder, the White Witch. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Proto-One was created by director Ken Stephenson and writers Peter Sauder and Steve Wright based on concepts developed by George Lucas.
  • Proto-One is considered part of "Legends" continuity, which means his actions and possibly even his existence is not congruent with modern canonical continuity.
  • Proto-One falls under the "Oldie but a Goodie" archetype. Another robot character who falls under this category is Old B.O.B. from The Black Hole.
  • Due to its perceived advanced age, and incompatible appendages, Proto-One moved with the assistance of a walking stick. Another robot character who utilizes a walking aid is Jetfire from the film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

External Links[]


