Project U.F.O. is an American science fiction television series that deals with the subject of U.F.O. sightings. The series was created by Harold Jack Bloom and Jack Webb and produced by Webb's company, Mark VII Limited as well as Worldvision Enterprises. The series aired on NBC for two seasons from February 19th, 1978 to July 12th, 1979, spanning a total of twenty-six episodes. The show was inspired by Project Blue Book, which was a study on unidentified phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force from 1952 to 1970.
Jack Webb is also known for creating the police drama series Adam-12, which starred future Galactica 1980 actor Kent McCord. Project U.F.O. used a similar episode title formula as Adam-12 in that most episodes of both programs were identified by case, or in this instance, "sighting" numbers.
Robert M. Leeds directed twelve episodes of the series, which is more than any other director on the show.
Donald L. Gold wrote more episodes of the show than any other writer, having worked on a total of eight episodes.
This was Jack Webb's last major television project.