Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
The Pride
Pride, The
Aliases: The Pride
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Type: Cartel
Status: Defunct
Leaders: Geoffrey Wilder
Members: Alice Hayes; Catherine Wilder; Dale Yorkes; Frank Dean; Gene Hayes; Geoffrey Wilder; Janet Stein; Leslie Dean; Robert Minoru; Stacey Yorkes; Tina Minoru; Victor Stein
Allies: Maggia; Serpent Society; Skrull Empire; Wilson Fisk
Enemies: Cloak; Dagger; Runaways
1st appearance: Runaways #1

The Pride is a fictional criminal cartel featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and are associated with the Runaways line of titles. They first appeared in Runaways #1 in July, 2003.


The Pride are a secret organization of crime lords based out of Los Angeles, California. They have dominated the criminal underworld of that area for more than a quarter of a century and are comprised of dark magicians, enhanced humans, mad scientists, time travelers, telepathic mutants, and alien invaders. The Pride's labors were in service to a mystical group of deities known as the Gibborim.


Notes & Trivia[]

  • Following the discontinuation of The Pride, a new group was formed aptly known as the New Pride.
  • In the Runaways TV series, the Hayes family were renamed as the Hernandez family.

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